Remember Me – Sarah, Remember Me – Farhad, Remember Me – … by BBDO

Alzheimer Forschung Initiative

As Alzheimer’s progresses, facial recognition and memories fade, diminishing relationships and leaving many Alzheimer’s patients isolated and lonely. To bring this feeling closer to the general public we created a series of unrecognizable family portraits. Through the eyes of an Alzheimer’s patient, cherished relationships become an unsolvable puzzle made up of shuffled memories that fade away piece by piece.


Health, NGO


Advertising Agency: BBDO Group Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Wolfgang Schneider
Creative Managing Director: Kristoffer Heilemann
Executive Creative Directors: Daniel Haschtmann, Tobias Feige
Creative Directors: Sebastian Steller, Jacobo Concejo
Art Directors: Martino Monti, Dejan Handjiski
Jigsaw Idea: Alma Haser
Copywriter: Sebastian Steller
Post-Production Company: Stefan Kranefeld Imaging
Photographer: Stefan Kranefeld
Art Buying: Birgit Paulat



Health, NGO



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