Annual report STCP by Duas Faces

Annual report S.T.C.P.
Annual report S.T.C.P.
Annual report S.T.C.P.

Annual report STCP

Duas Faces was challenged by STCP – Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto to devise and develop the Annual report book for the year 2019.

Reflecting the changes in the information on bus stops, new environmentally friendly buses that are 100% electric and run on natural gas, and the intermunicipalization of the network were the main requirements of this project.

The lines and colors of the bus routes have come to life in the pages of this report, which aims to present all the information related to the evolution of the company throughout 2019. The concept of a journey is present throughout the document, where you can see the branching lines of the map and the lives crossing them with a shared destiny.

The index is inspired by the graphic depiction of bus stops, the chapters are zones, and the grid system used in the graphic line is related to the configuration of the bus stops.

This project was short-listed for the Prémios Lusófonos da Criatividade Award, in the category “Design”, sub-category “Editorial Design”.

Annual report S.T.C.P.
Annual report S.T.C.P.
Annual report S.T.C.P.
Annual report S.T.C.P.

Two different books were designed. One in 2.2 mm cardboard, the other an official report, in 350 g cardboard. Both with special punching.


The city of Porto has a preponderant role in the project, being the cradle of the brand and, having its cultural and emblematic points, served as the setting for the photo shoot that the studio held and which illustrated the final arts.

Annual report S.T.C.P.
Annual report S.T.C.P.
Annual report S.T.C.P.




Book, Technology


Agency: Duas Faces
Client: STCP – Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto
Creative Direction: Sérgio Duarte
Design: Sérgio Duarte e Patrícia Machado
Revision: Ana Monteiro e Carolina Ventura
Photography: Sérgio Ferreira e Duas Faces
Print: Mania da Cor





Book, Technology



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Duas Faces