
Truffl’s Luxury Packaging for Last Crumb Cookies

In 2021, Truffl Branding Agency embarked on an ambitious project to create the identity for Last Crumb, a luxury cookie company. Known for their Michelin-star quality cookies, Last Crumb sought to elevate their product through exceptional packaging, positioning themselves as the ‘Saint Laurent of Cookies.’ This story delves into how Truffl brought this vision to life, creating a brand that resonates with entrepreneurs, startup founders, and branding agencies.

Meeting the Challenge

Truffl’s journey with Last Crumb began with a meeting that left the agency’s team in awe of the cookies’ quality. Developed over ten years and baked using a proprietary three-day process, the cookies inspired Truffl’s CEO to invest and co-found the company. Over the next year, Truffl meticulously crafted a holistic brand identity, web platform, packaging experience, and business model.

Last Crumb Cookies, Los Angeles

Designing Luxury

Drawing inspiration from luxury brands like Saint Laurent and Tom Ford, as well as modern streetwear brands like Supreme, Truffl positioned Last Crumb as a luxury status symbol. Every customer touchpoint, from photography to packaging, was designed to elevate the brand and create an exclusive experience.

Successful Business Model

Truffl developed a business model for Last Crumb centered around exclusive drops, aimed at building a loyal customer base. This model proved successful, with the brand amassing a waitlist of 80,000 customers within the first 16 weeks. Each drop sold out in seconds.

Crafting the Brand Identity

The brand strategy for Last Crumb focused on themes of rebelliousness and mastery. Truffl aimed to evoke feelings of momentousness, humor, and elevation at every stage of the customer experience. They crafted a brand personality that combined the rebellious spirit of Anthony Bourdain with the charismatic braggadocio of The Most Interesting Man in the World.

Innovative Packaging

Packaging played a crucial role in Last Crumb’s luxury positioning. Each cookie was individually packaged in matte-coated bags with unique serial numbers and witty names like “50 Cent” for the Birthday Cake Cookie. The packaging included a story about each cookie and a QR code to join the mailing list for future drops. The cookies arrived in custom rigid boxes designed for a memorable unboxing experience, with each cookie positioned at a 45-degree angle for a perfect reveal. Even the shipper box, a three-foot-wide collage of brand photos, made a statement.

Distinctive Brand Voice

Truffl crafted a brand voice that was darkly humorous, creative, and brash. The brand name “Last Crumb” reflected their limited-edition business model and commitment to quality. The tagline “Never Crumble” served as both a quality statement and a life manifesto. Truffl partnered with copywriter Cole Schaffer to create inventive cookie names and descriptions that added to the brand’s charm.

Exclusive E-Commerce Experience

The custom e-commerce site developed by Truffl enhanced the sense of exclusivity with live tickers showing the remaining stock and countdowns to the next drop. This design reinforced the scarcity and desirability of the cookies.

High-Fashion Photography

Product photography aimed to capture Last Crumb’s masculine, rebellious brand identity. Partnering with photographer Audrey Ma, Truffl produced high-fashion imagery that emphasized the cookies’ luxury appeal, making it clear that these are not your average cookies.

Elevating a Product Through Exceptional Branding

Truffl’s creation of the Last Crumb brand in 2021 stands as a testament to the power of innovative branding and luxury packaging. By treating cookies as luxury items and creating an exclusive, high-end experience, Truffl set a new standard in the industry. Entrepreneurs, startup founders, and branding agencies can look to this project as an inspirational example of how to elevate a product through exceptional branding and packaging design. To explore the project further, take a look at how Truffl created the ‘Saint Laurent of Cookies.’

Brand IdentityBrand VoiceBusiness ModelCookiesE-CommerceFoodLuxuryPackagingPhotography

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